I'm going to have to conclude, against the
internet's conclusion, that 2016 was personally wonderful. You'll have to give
me a break because the years 2014 & 2015 were borderline catastrophic so it
didn’t have a lot of competition but also I did so much that I wanted to do but
was never quite sure that I would.
This is partially due to my age - which I
frequently make jokes about but in all honesty I wouldn’t change for the world.
You certainly couldn’t pay me any money to be 18-22 again and I don’t
especially fancy a repeat performance of 23 or a lot of 24 either. I hope I
always say this, every single year more certain than the last, that I don’t
wish for anything that is already behind me.
Here’s to another year of not knowing
where you’ll be this time next year.
This is how
2016 feels tbh.
Good Practice
Reply to your messages.
Tell people you love them - and show them,
Do your hair and makeup every time you go
out - this is not vanity it is your way of showing yourself that you are worth
feeling your best and that is OK.
Take your makeup off.
Don't spend time with people you don't
want to.
Don't bitch just because it's easy.
Turn off your damn phone.
Remember that you're lucky - don't let
anyone else tell you that you are.
Write something every week - stop worrying
if it's shit.
Go on all those trips you promised
yourself – for the love of God girl, get a new suitcase.
Make proper lists of good things that
happen so you don’t come to write this next year and struggle to remember
because you’ve had a bit of a shit December.
Go the whole year without saying one bad
thing about the way you look – not even a joke about being ‘weird looking’ –
you know that’s just a guarded way of saying you wish you were a little bit
more obviously pretty and it will not
stand in 2017.
If wearing
this dress every day in 2017 was an option - I would totally do it.
Be the Kindest Bitch
It might be the year to invest in a badge
that says ‘Optimistic but not Stupid’. There’s a strong case to divide people
into two groups, people who see the ability to give kindness and love as a
strength and an essential to keep the world turning and people who see it as a
waste of time and possible stupidity. More fool the second group, you won’t
change them and hardening yourself is not the right course of action. You are
so loved. So someone (nearly) ruined the last two weeks of your year? So what?
Say you cared, say it hurt, be proud of that. Be prouder of the fact you let
people support you, and you believed them when they said they loved you, and
you were worth more.
Be a tough little bitch always, obviously.
Life is hard and you’d be a fool to think the curve balls were over age 24.
Hard enough, without not letting anyone help you or let other people know
you’re there. What a colossal waste of time it would be to never let yourself
see what everyone else has to offer you.
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